#029: Let's go with the flow
Mindset changes, the SEA Creator Club Cycle 2, @asoftlanding_ph, and more tiny yet precious life moments
Hey, there! OK to BE is a Sunday newsletter about my adventures in reading, writing stories, creating art, collaborating, and being human. Thank you for reading! :)
A lot has been happening in my life lately, and I wish that lot included something like winning the lottery or buying a private jet, but the universe said, nope, sorry! Just the good old everyday things for the non-heiress, non-nepo baby, like bills, labor, corruption, injustice, and...
I digress. What I wanted to talk about, really, is the fact that I noticed that I have become more attuned to the practice of, gasp, going with the flow. I'm not exactly a Type A person, but I am an anxiety-ridden one, and wanting to have some sort of control over things and a vision of predictability is a symptom. So to be more accepting of literally whatever goes can still be news to my system, regardless of how hard I've tried to train it over the past years.
Which means! Mindset changes, yet again. If this means growth, then I accept, thank you very much!
Me in a pool in Samal Island, overlooking my hometown, a couple of weeks ago
That said, I want to share what have helped me carry this relatively steady state so far—it's ingraining these classic affirmations in my head:
What's meant for me will never pass me by.
Good things that are for me will come to me with ease.
Nothing new or original, obviously, and of course, I know that I still have to do the work, and also tell the universe what I want. As Jesus said, "ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." But I also understand how difficult it is to believe and live these two adages, especially when it feels like the world is against me, and I just keep "losing and losing."
But something shouldn't be a loss to me because it wasn't mine to keep to begin with. At least, that's where my head is at right now, and my heart seems to be moving in the same direction.
Speaking of Jesus, I wish I could say that I had a very prayerful observation of the Holy Week. I had…things to do and pay attention to. I did ask for guidance to be:
More patient, understanding, and kind
More generous and helpful to others
Plenty of adjectives there, but right now, these are the things I want to work on, not because this is what faith (and religion) dictates, but because I want to live a more intentional life.
How was (or is, if it’s still happening!) your long weekend?
📝 Writing, Editing
→ So honored to be joining authors Dawn Lanuza and Layla S. Tanjutco in doing @asoftlanding_ph, a community for Filipino poetry and art enthusiasts! We take turns sharing prompts every week that fellow creators can use for their poems or any kind of art ANYTIME. If posting online, please add the ‘#asoftlandingprompt’ so we can find you and share your work!
Last week, I picked ‘FAVORITE PLACE.’ Here’s what I wrote:
In Dawn’s words, from her newsletter:
a soft landing. is open to you, and for everyone who needs the space to read, write, and discuss poetry. This year, we will be starting with a Call for Submissions in the hopes that together, we can build a collection of poems and art about healing.
We do hope you join us by sharing your piece/s online! Remember to follow @asoftlanding_ph.
→ OK to BE Journaling Month 2! I share full pages on my Patreon, for in case you want to see how I currently journal my days. Nothing rigid or fancy, but I’ll have you know that I have never been this consistent in filling out my pages using this method!
🎨 Creating, Collaborating
→ Travelling in Australia videos. I’ve been home three or so months, yes, but better late than never! And while I already edited and published seven (!) ~vlogs, would you believe these are just snippets of everyday life from my phone alone? Haha huhu. I’ll try to finish this whole OZ series this year (at least), and the next ones will be more specific; for instance, a feature of places / a day in [this place].
If you’re interested, feel free to subscribe to my channel!
→ Super OK to BE A Woman
This one is for myself (as always, haha), my mom, and all the good women in my life (which includes YOU, of course).
Special thanks to Joy for choosing this theme! (If you want voting power on my projects, check out my Patreon. Shout-out to my patrons as well!)
BTW: If you’re on the OK to BE Discord, there’s a code there that gives you access to a free digital download! Otherwise, this, and all the other zines, will always be available here.
→ (NEW!) OK to BE Special Print Set. Limited run, and I’m offering this to you first, so if this is something you’d like to have, go here and order. Free shipping! Available to PH residents only.
This set includes:
Print of Issues 7 to 12 (see them individually here)
Bonus content: DIY version of three (3) of the zines + *a random mystery gift*
→ SEA Creators Club, Cycle 2
I haven’t spoken about this outside of my Patreon yet, so I’m happy to share with you that we’ve been running Cycle 2 (o, ‘di ba, parang ANTM moment!) of the SEA Creators Club!
I loved the experience of the first cycle, so when Patreon asked me to ~captain another run, I said yes. We have nine (? lemme get back to you on that as some more people are coming in) active members so far, based in different parts of the world, and every one, as I expected, is so talented and skilled and so open. It’s nice to have that real-time interaction, too!
Building groups with shared interests, especially when intimate or small, is something I’m obvs deeply passionate about, and I love collaborating with and bridging people, so I’m always grateful for the experience and for the opportunity of learning from others.
Now we do do something similar to this (discussions and shared activities about creative processes, etc.) on the OK to BE Discord, so if you aren’t there yet, hop in!
→ My working portfolio. Visit it here! For those who have worked with me, could you please do me a huge favor? Check if you’re in this list; if you’re not, hit REPLY on this email and remind me! Thank you.
That’s all for now! I hope you picked up something fun or useful.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or nice things to say (hehe), type them in the comments section below or reply to the email. You can also always join my Patreon and/or the OK to BE Discord, and visit my page.
See you in the next one!
☀️ KB
OK to BE Newsletter: #028: Let's (try to) calm down
Patreon: OK to BE Journaling: April 2023 - Week 1 / All the free-access posts you can read!
YouTube: Travelling in Australia playlist / How to fold #OKtoBEzine issues 7~12
To see more of my work, visit my page.
Huge thanks to all the readers of this newsletter, my patrons, and the OK to BE Discord community! If you enjoyed this, you can help me keep the newsletter going by buying me a coffee. :)