#036: What about the things that need a break?
Breaks, calendar and reading journals, and dream travel destinations, and more tiny yet precious life moments
Hey, there! OK to BE is a Sunday newsletter about my adventures in reading, writing stories, creating art, collaborating, and being human. Thank you for reading! :)
Breaking can go many ways—breakdown, breakthrough, break free, break in, and what might be the most favorite of all, break...fast? (Well, I know it's one of mine, at least!)
While I won't say all hell ~broke loose in November, last month did have me go through a lot of breaks. I was down with this infamous super flu for about two weeks, and I spent the rest focusing on regaining my good health. I had to let go of work for a bit, whatever social life I had going on, and some other things I enjoyed but couldn't muster up the energy for.
Later, I learned that many people I know took two to three months to recover from this mighty flu. Like breaking, I went many ways—from dealing with anxiety and surrendering to nonchalance to establishing mental calm and giving myself more patience to be myself again.
Morning sky; literally no filter
It has been quite a challenge. Some days, I'd be so energized, ticking off every item on my to-do list; other days, I'd feel so exhausted that it could take me an hour to get out of bed. My friends and I would talk about "post-pandemic burnout" (if we're even post-pandemic yet), and how we and our bodies have become so different. It's kind of sad, but it is what it is. The most important thing is that I'm alive, we're alive. Breaks are part of life, that's all.
What kind of break have you been dealing with recently?
🎨 Creating
→ I have some of my ~creative energy~ back and have been using it in making things up for release by the new year. Patrons will be the first ones to receive as always! Join my Patreon here.
I want YOU in on these projects as well, so vote below! sticker
→ The Christmas tree at home is up, after some goad—encouragement from friends who had been asking what colors were on our tree, lol. Went shopping at the discount store for new decor, which is where the photo below was taken.
Do you put up a tree as well?
Byron and Hobi helped me pick out the sparkliest things (not pictured)
🎒 Travelling
→ Drove to the next province for some work errands. Seeing Mt. Apo from another angle is always nice.
→ I watched tons of travel vlogs as I recovered. Because of that, I’ve added Bhutan (this one, I enjoyed), Kazakhstan, and Oman to my want-to-visit list. Hehe!
What destinations are on your must-travel-to list?
→ Does anybody else here watch JM Banquicio on YouTube? Love his content; the entire household follows his adventures.
That’s all for now! I hope you picked up something fun or useful.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or nice things to say (hehe), type them in the comments section below or reply to the email. You can also always join my Patreon and the OK to BE Discord, revisit the OK to BE Newsletter Archive, and visit my page.
See you in the next one!
☀️ KB
OK to BE Newsletter: #035: What about the things waiting to unfold?
Huge thanks to this newsletter’s readers, my patrons, and the OK to BE Discord community! If you enjoyed this, you can help me keep the newsletter going by buying me a coffee. :)