#039: Choosing how to share
Permanence, vulnerability, the return of OK to BE zine, and more tiny yet precious life moments
Hey, there! OK to BE is a Sunday newsletter about my adventures in reading, writing stories, creating art, collaborating, and being human. If you want more information, visit my page (and download some freebies here—yes, freebies!). You may also view my newsletter archive, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and support me on Patreon. Thanks for reading! ^_^
One of the most important things any friend knows or needs to know about me is that I usually keep most things close to my chest, especially when it comes to plans or stuff that have uncertain permanence. I guess there seems to be something in my brain—anxiety or superstition, maybe both—that makes me a little hesitant to spill the beans, so to speak. I answer when somebody asks, of course, but my preference is to share good news—or any news, really—either after the fact or once it's 100% a done deal.
This is why this OK to BE newsletter has been a great exercise for me. Sharing what's going on in my creative world, what I'm doing, if I'm doing it well or otherwise, how I'm feeling about this or that, interacting with some of you who never tire to comment or email me to respond (thank you for letting me know somebody's always listening/reading!)—all of that has helped flex my vulnerability muscle (at least I'm getting some good exercise, hah). I'm learning more and more that I deserve to celebrate every growth and recognize even the missteps. All part of the journey, right??
Orange and Flash impatiently listening to me talk about them learning to share food :)))
By the way, I’ve actually received a few topic requests from some of the newsletter readers (many of them my friends), which include more personal life matters, such as conversations about love (the romantic kind), career directions (and misdirections), and even health (because 30s be roaring).
If there’s something else you’d like me to talk about, let me know and I’ll cover it in one of the next issues.
🎨 Creating, Collaborating
→ OK to BE zine is back! We’re returning to our collaborative roots, and this time, the call for submissions, with MAGIC as the theme, is open to fiction and creative nonfiction. Submit on or before February 29.
For more info, click here or the image or the button below.
→ A Quiet Unfolding, out 02.24.24. Both print and digital pre-orders now available! Pre-orders help books and authors succeed! Thank you for your support.
That’s all for now! I hope you picked up something fun or useful. See you in the next one!
☀️ KB
Huge thanks to this newsletter’s readers, my patrons, and the OK to BE Discord community! If you enjoyed this, you can help me keep the newsletter going by buying me a coffee. :)