Oh, I'm also starting over too! Here's to the trying again, KB!

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What is ze point of life if we don't try! Hugs, Marci~ So nice to hear from you again!

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Like the new pfp (please tell me what this means haha!). You have interesting reads so far and a few are on my TBR, I occasionally see your Twitter threads, do you post reviews somewhere, KB?

GO FOR IT!! Although financial factor is a huge one. I remember withdrawing a scholarship grant because enrolling would also mean giving up a part of what secures my living. I wasn't ready but to be honest, I always have that thought "what if I pursued it?", and, "if I pursue it now... but I'm much older and years have gone by".. these thoughts. MAYBE if I've had these thoughts back then, I would have pursued it regardless. So have that "a year from now, five years from now" thoughts maybe??

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I post my reviews on Patreon, Bookbed.org, Goodreads, and Storygraph! Links all up there, hehe.

I'm trying my best to do what I can with what I have (as we all are!). I hope that if it's for me, then the rest will come easy! Sabayan na lang ng thoughts and prayers, hehe. Thank you for your good piece of advice, Merie!

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