#037: Choosing how to be
2023 reflections, NY gift (for you!), setting up for 2024, and more tiny yet precious life moments
Hey, there! OK to BE is a Sunday newsletter about my adventures in reading, writing stories, creating art, collaborating, and being human. If you want more information, visit my page (and download some freebies here—yes, freebies!). You may also view my newsletter archive, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and support me on Patreon. Thanks for reading! ^_^
As my NY gift to you and myself, I’ll keep this 2023 reflection essay simple:
It was a year of going with the calmer flow. I treasured my peace and enjoyed how many precious answers, opportunities, and lessons I found in the quiet. Of course, the dreamer in me continued to gaze at the sky, my desire to soar rippling under my skin, but 2023 pulled me back and rooted me to the ground, saying, “Pace yourself.” It taught me to tread more carefully and pay closer attention without having to put myself in the middle of everything. 2023 once again reminded me that life isn’t a race but a series of journeys, and indeed, it gave me the journey of stillness.
Did we have the same 2023 journey? Let me know!
Now that that season is finished, I’m pulling you along to the next. So: Happy New Year! How is your 2024 so far? Will it be your going-with-the-flow year, or are you the kind of person to set goals? Because ta-da! Tis the season of goal setting.
For the first time in the past *exaggerated gasp* decade, I missed setting my goals at the start of 2023. I usually use my past year’s list to help me build my new year’s one, so with the 2023 list being MIA, the 2024 list is truly a clean slate. Which is intimidating in a way, after the calm 2023 that was. Should I continue being rooted to the ground, or is it time to soar once again?
But I can always do both, right?
Yes, absolutely.
Not just me but also you. Whatever our goals (or not-goals) may be, may we have a happier and healthier 2024!
📚 Reading
→ I finished 92+ books in 2023. This 2024, I want to read 80. Add me on Goodreads and Storygraph.
For those new here, hello! This is a reminder that reading is not ultimately about quantity. I just happen to pick up more than the average because I also work as a book editor. Work with me.
📝 Writing, Editing
🎨 Creating, Collaborating
Thank you for your participation in this poll. You wanted it, you got it!
→ 2024 OK to BE Calendar

→ 2024 OK to BE Reading journal [TBA]
→ OK to BE zines

→ a soft landing.
🎒 Travelling
→ Holidays in the city and the province! Being at the beach was so nice. I love the water.

→ Also been putting together photo galleries of trips from decades ago, haha. Exhibit A: Seoul.
More videos of:
Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
That’s all for now! I hope you picked up something fun or useful. See you in the next one!
☀️ KB
Huge thanks to this newsletter’s readers, my patrons, and the OK to BE Discord community! If you enjoyed this, you can help me keep the newsletter going by buying me a coffee. :)
Happy new year, KB