#030: Let's flex our creative muscles!
Free taho and self-editing worksheets, flexin' time, my favorite reading monkey, and more tiny yet precious life moments
Hey, there! OK to BE is a Sunday newsletter about my adventures in reading, writing stories, creating art, collaborating, and being human. Thank you for reading! :)
This taho is not just for attention; it’s also for sharing. Here, have some! (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
You’re welcome!
Anyway, it’s still all about going with the flow in this house, but at the same time, there’s been some planning and following through. Can’t be freewheeling all the time, or else there will be !CHAOS!, right? I mean, it’s enough that so many things are in shambles right now… Let’s not add our lives to that mix!
Putting that dark thought aside, I’m here to share some hopefully good and exciting news! Before I jump to those things, though, I wanted to share some of my favorite newsletter issues that I wrote. (Am I doing flexing right? If not, have more patience with this millennial!)
Also, it’s Bibi Mangki’s birthday! #thereadingmonkey is seven years old. Yey! ICYMI, here’s our collab zine project—OK to BE Carefree; you can get to know Bibs better! And to those who continue to wonder, I am NOT Bibi Mangki…but I sure wish I was, hahaha.
If you have time to drop by today or tomorrow, leave a greeting under this post, thank you:
Moving forward…
📚 Reading
→ Currently! Well, some. The others I’ve already read; just wanted to plug, especially those by local authors!
→ January~March 2023 reads! Reading challenge tally: 17/88. Check out my reviews and recs here!
→ We have a new librarian at home! Thanks for this Dynamite Namjoon, Haeja. He’s book-pushing all the titles that have been living in my TBR pile for a decade, lol.
→ New Bookbed website layout and content! Visit here and let me know what you think?
📝 Writing, Editing
→ FREE! Simple How-To: Self-Edit worksheets
The Simple How-To series on my Patreon is all about sharing the important things I know about reading, writing, creating, beta reading, and editing. This includes guides, checklists, and worksheets.
We just finished going through the Guides to Self-Editing, which you can access here, so we're wrapping it up with...worksheets! Feel free to download them via this link and use for fun and/or practice.
Up next: Guide to Beta Reading
→ a soft landing: Call for Submissions

Follow @asoftlanding_ph on Instagram!
🎨 Creating, Collaborating
→ I’m looking for people who would like to talk about the following topics:
grief and loss (relationships, death, even things, etc.)
living with parents as an adult
solo travelling / budget travelling
We’ve also started the sessions on Inks & Pens, so if you’re interested in that or in any of the above, hop on the OK to BE Discord server!
→ Speaking of, I’m also restarting workshop sessions soon. Basically, it’s feedback exchange with a side of skills sharing. Reply to this email or leave a comment below if it’s something you’re into so I can invite your personally and provide more info.
→ NEW ISSUE! OK to BE Wrong. This issue is all about why it’s important to be wrong at times, at least for me. Five of you here can get a digital copy for free by using the code ‘wrong043oktobe’ upon checkout (So, go! NOW!). Otherwise, purchase here, or download for free (plus ALL the issues released so far) when you join my Patreon.
✨ More Being Human
→ I talked about my plans to pursue a second master’s degree here, and you know what, I think I’ve changed my mind a little and I’m taking a fresh direction. It’s mostly because of money thingz (I’m trying to reach PHP 2,000,000 at least for one year, no thanks to scholarships, and excuse me? In this economy??), but it’s also about prioritizing what’s not only more important to me right now but also what’s more beneficial. But I do want to thank everyone who has been part of this journey, those who have been so supportive and helpful. I’ll let you know once I make final decisions!
→ Vulnerability in public is something I rarely do anymore (mid200s~early 2010s KB, who even are you??), but I did write something very personal here. It’s funny and annoying how late realizations creep up on us, and how impactful they can be.
→ I bought a huge pack of hotdogs so I can have a Tiny Tan ref magnet, haha. I got Jimin! So cute. Speaking of Jimin, of course I’ll mention Yoongi. Let it be known to ARMYs and Muggles alike that TODAY, we had our first-ever Yoonmin live. Thank you, bow.
That’s all for now! I hope you picked up something fun or useful.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or nice things to say (hehe), type them in the comments section below or reply to the email. You can also always join my Patreon and/or the OK to BE Discord, and visit my page.
See you in the next one!
☀️ KB
OK to BE Newsletter: #029: Let's go with the flow
Patreon: All the free-access posts you can read!
YouTube: Travelling in Australia playlist / How to fold #OKtoBEzine issues 7~12
To see more of my work, visit my page.
Huge thanks to all the readers of this newsletter, my patrons, and the OK to BE Discord community! If you enjoyed this, you can help me keep the newsletter going by buying me a coffee. :)